2009年4月6日 星期一

Again~Subliminal Advertising!

After last posted, i go to Internet to find some research about this.

What Are Subliminal Messages?

There has been much controversy surrounding the issue of subliminal messages but what are subliminal messages? There is no easy answer to this question but simply put it is a message that bypasses your conscious mind and goes strait to the subconscious mind.

So, if you made a new years resolution to loose a few extra pounds and you hear this little voice in your head saying "nooooooooooo, this will be torture, I will never be able to follow through with this," then you understand the problem with ideas going through your conscious mind. What if you could get the message "I like healthy food" into your mind without your conscious mind saying "no you don't"? Well, that is the theory behind subliminal messaging.

There are many techniques used to transmit subliminal messages. It can be embeded in audio or visual things. One method is to flash text or a picture in a video for a verry short amount of time. In fact, the time is so short that you cannot conciesly percieve what this picture is. However, your subconcious mind can. In that way an you can avoid those voices in your head telling you it is impossible!

When it comes down to it all video, all audio, and even all writing is filled with subliminal messages. Or rather semisubliminal messages. These kind of messages can be examined if someone is careful but is not always easy to examine. When a writer writes some emotional story about love and sex that book is filled with the authors views on love and sex. Those ideas will many times be transmitted directly to your subconsious mind without ever being filter by ones concious mind. The majority of the US simply follows the media and the ideology of tv. This is in fact the result of semisubliminal messages.
Good example of subliminal advertising~~

Subliminal Messages Advertising

If you don't thing that flashing messages before works then you obviously havn't spoken to any companies that use subliminal messages advertising. Fast food giant McDonald's uses the technique it self. Basically the messages flashes before the audience so fast that unless you are paying extremely close attention you wouldn't notice anything amiss. You definitely would know what flashed before your eyes. McDonald's flashed it's logo in such a fashion during the "Iron Cheff" TV show. This would put a strong connection to good food with McDonald's. Subliminal Messages Advertising is very real and is used by McDonalds.
Could these messages work on work on you? Yes, they can. So, what if you could control the messages that you are getting? That way you can send messages directly to you subconscious mind, allowing you to achieve any goal you want. 

