2009年4月6日 星期一

Help help them plx~~

This kind of advertising is so great. 
In Hong Kong, most of the ads are put on the front of the car.
But this kind putting inside the car is the first time that I saw.
I love it very much because of the method and the matching of the concept. 


Great visual execution~!!
I love those visual are making out.!!!

Creative outdoor advertising.

Outdoor advertising has come a long way. It used to be that outdoor advertising meant whacking up a billboard on a major arterial road for a month and hoping that it did its job. The hope being that the consumer received the maximum take up from the message, in the quickest time possible. There are still a lot of examples like that, and I'm sure they are effective in their own way. But of late, I've noticed an increase in innovative, and creative, outdoor advertising executions that steer away from the traditional such as interactive 'scent' bus shelters, messages inviting users to SMS for an immediate response, as well as other non-traditional uses for very traditional channels.

Here's an example I found whilst browsing the web. Coop's Paints made use of the side of a building right through to the car park for this piece of work.
I think you'd agree that if nothing else, it's attention grabbing! What's the most creative example of outdoor advertising that you've seen?

again n again~ subliminal ads

Here's the great subliminal advertising. Turn the ad upside down, and you'll see this

Again~Subliminal Advertising!

After last posted, i go to Internet to find some research about this.

What Are Subliminal Messages?

There has been much controversy surrounding the issue of subliminal messages but what are subliminal messages? There is no easy answer to this question but simply put it is a message that bypasses your conscious mind and goes strait to the subconscious mind.

So, if you made a new years resolution to loose a few extra pounds and you hear this little voice in your head saying "nooooooooooo, this will be torture, I will never be able to follow through with this," then you understand the problem with ideas going through your conscious mind. What if you could get the message "I like healthy food" into your mind without your conscious mind saying "no you don't"? Well, that is the theory behind subliminal messaging.

There are many techniques used to transmit subliminal messages. It can be embeded in audio or visual things. One method is to flash text or a picture in a video for a verry short amount of time. In fact, the time is so short that you cannot conciesly percieve what this picture is. However, your subconcious mind can. In that way an you can avoid those voices in your head telling you it is impossible!

When it comes down to it all video, all audio, and even all writing is filled with subliminal messages. Or rather semisubliminal messages. These kind of messages can be examined if someone is careful but is not always easy to examine. When a writer writes some emotional story about love and sex that book is filled with the authors views on love and sex. Those ideas will many times be transmitted directly to your subconsious mind without ever being filter by ones concious mind. The majority of the US simply follows the media and the ideology of tv. This is in fact the result of semisubliminal messages.
Good example of subliminal advertising~~

Subliminal Messages Advertising

If you don't thing that flashing messages before works then you obviously havn't spoken to any companies that use subliminal messages advertising. Fast food giant McDonald's uses the technique it self. Basically the messages flashes before the audience so fast that unless you are paying extremely close attention you wouldn't notice anything amiss. You definitely would know what flashed before your eyes. McDonald's flashed it's logo in such a fashion during the "Iron Cheff" TV show. This would put a strong connection to good food with McDonald's. Subliminal Messages Advertising is very real and is used by McDonalds.
Could these messages work on work on you? Yes, they can. So, what if you could control the messages that you are getting? That way you can send messages directly to you subconscious mind, allowing you to achieve any goal you want. 

2009年4月5日 星期日

subliminal advertising???????@@

廣告技巧中, 有一種叫 subliminal advertising, 意思係將 sex 同 death 0既訊息靜雞雞放入廣告裡面, 令人不知不覺咁吸收...

大家留心...要好留心睇下...呢幅睇落好正常0既可樂罐0既相, 有無咩問題?
係咪真係留心睇左先? 唔好咁快碌落下面睇喎...

入面有d有關sex 0既訊息...睇唔睇到? (睇唔到再試下先)
唔信? 睇下:

第一處: 罐頂係一個女人0既背脊, 清楚見到長頭髮垂落0黎! 膊頭, 腰, 屁股0既曲線! 就連腳都好清楚!

第二處: 一個梳平頭裝0既男仔, 抱膝打緊關斗...佢為乜跳到咁高, 而視線又望住d咩呢?

第三處: 咪就係望住佢囉! 清楚見到一個好大胸0既女人, 挺胸收腹, 著住牛仔褲, 就連皮帶扣都睇到! (誘人無?!?!)
呢個世界, 其實到處都有好多訊息, 我地不知不覺咁吸收左, 影響緊我地都唔知0架!

Subliminal advertising is really new thing for me
but this example is not really good for explanation
because the messages inside are not very clear.

Great work~!!!!

Great mechanic concept~!!!Great Engineering!!!
Great TVC!!!!

Great idea~!

@@ It is quite creative that
it use the security of the bra to refer the security of the HP window~
great idea~!

Funny beer commercial

The men with the bigbigbig women~~hahahaaa

Wasabi chips ads...- -

So funny the photoshop effect.
Btw, it is also great idea for selling Wasabi chips......

Great Campaign from Benetton

Benetton's ads always don't show their clothes, even their service. 
They always use world's concern problems for their print ads content.
For example, Skin discrimination, AIDS, etc. 
I think they want to arouse the public about all these world's concern problem, and then their company. 
I think it is great method to promote both the problem and the company. 
It is great campaign, great strategy!

Maternity Bra Ad For Target Australia

It is a good reference for our team.
The visual is so serious and great.

The first game made by HK people in youtube~~hahaha

hahahaha~~~so funny.
I don't think we can play story game in youtube before this posted.
I think it is the great first step to make this kind of thing out. 
Later, more and more youtube games will be made and posted.

Now!!! My photo work!!!

After seeing so many photographers's works, its time for me to do.
I just learn my loved photographers, David Lachapelle and Sandy Skoglund, to build the atmosphere by the rearranging the environment. 
all these are taken at the same angle and same position. 
I only rearrange the objects inside to create another mood.
It is quite difficult.

Another photographer I love!!!! Sandy Skoglund!!!

Sandy Skoglund!!
Skoglund creates surrealist images by building elaborate setsor tableaux, furnishing them with carefully selected colored furniture and other objects, a process of which takes her months to complete. Finally, she photographs the set, complete with actors. The works are characterized by an overwhelming amount of one object and either bright, contrasting colors or a monochromatic color scheme.

I love her installation. I love her color management. I love her concept!!!

My lovely photographers!!

David Lachapelle
 I totally fall in love with him~!!!
His works are so crazy and fantastic!!!
He is a famous fashion photographer. Also he is a Art Director for some MTV or video.
He's also always in the field of Advertising and Fine Art.

In the photos of him, we can see that he always put so much fashion element in the photo.
Like shocking color especially shocking pink, he always use these color.
It is because Shocking Pink is always hot just like the Black.
Therefore, he always use so many shocking and colorful color.
Beside, he always use the explosion pattern or use some sharply and deeply shadow.
It is because all these thing are referred to spot light. It is also another kind of elements in fashion.

I love his photo, also love his concept, even he. 

2009年3月31日 星期二

Funny Ad!

retailers iga food bunny ears clams magician ad print humor humour hilarious
Hahahahha~~When I saw this ad, I laugh. 
Clams out of a magician hat like bunny ears. It is the ad print for food.

2009年3月28日 星期六

328 !!

328 is a special for this year.
It is because we will have a very special activity on 328.
We will turn off the light for 1 hours~!!
In Hong Kong, i dun think it is enough of advertising.
But in other countries, there are a lot!!

2009年3月27日 星期五

2009年3月18日 星期三

Every Material can be art work!!!

So amazing that even the forks, and the matches can be made out all these wonderful 
art works.
Actually, we can use all the material even a paper or some rubbish to make a art work.

2009年3月16日 星期一

Strategy Ads of ours

These print ads are our team's production.
I use photoshop very hard to make them out.....hahahaaa
But the concept is not very good...
we needed be work hard again and again ^____^

Beside, we needa make clearly our concept and develop 
for example, the target audience, the segment and some etc. 
Also, we needa focus about the promotion packaging, event or some other promotion activities.

Work hard!!!!

2009年3月14日 星期六

The new print ads i love!!

From JWT Frankfurt a very "strong" campaign to promote Bayer Priorin, 
a product which increases the strenght of you hair.

I love the idea of an ad which challenges the perspective you look at things. 
It reminds  me that I saw a woman drawing often used in psichology.
We saw in different way then we would get another thing.